Guys, just want to say that you all did a great job on
yesterday for
'All Rise'
All of you side read quite fast.
A clap for you all.
Go home and practice and perfect the sound and notes.
Great Job.
Yean Lin
Yo! Haha. Would like to share something with you all.
And that is KFC 2piece Chicken meal.
I was at KFC last week and I ordered the two piece meal.
Then I suddenly remember Mr Lim TH once talked about the chicken meal thing.
He was telling us that he went to KFC on a one fine day then he ordered the 3 piece chicken meal.
He regretted ordering it. Why?
1st piece, already very oily, but still have to eat. His feeling for that chicken still not that bad.
2nd piece, (he) don't feel like eating it already, but still, he finished the second piece of chicken.
3rd piece, "Buay Ta Han" cannot eat already.
I forgot how he relate this whole KFC thingy to playing music.
But I think he's trying to tell us that when we are playing music, try to take note of the articulations. If not the whole piece of music would be very boring. Haha
I think that's how he relate the whole thing.
Moral of the story :
- Don't eat the 3piece chicken meal at KFC. (If you eat alot)
- Don't order the 2piece chicken meal at KFC. (If you can stuff that much in your mouth.)
- Don't go to KFC if you eat very little. HAHA. Try Mcdonald. :D
Yean Lin :D